The self-referential pop-culture meta-jokes run fast and furious in this mess of a film for the ADD adderal-adled generation. Imagine if Scott Pilgrim forcibly had his way with Heathers. Now imagine that... On drugs and you won't even come close to the ridiculous little idocracy/deconstruction of genre movie isotopes. Perhaps a few laughs are to be had scattered amongst the running time but that's only playing to the law of averages as the 'film' plays fast and loose with anything approaching a comprehend able story and thus it's scatter-shot jokes are sure to hit the bullseye at some points. Alas the ratio sadly skews to the awkward missing side, consider this an experimental hipster failure if you must, I'm more likely to think it a "Not Another Teen Movie" lamester parody.PS: Dane Cook is awful, just throwing that out there
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
This is a fast paced comedy/slasher type film. It uses references from different genre's and different movies. For me, this is part of the attraction as it jumps from one genre reference to another all while paying homage to some classic horror films. The story, although for some seeming to be all over the place, all makes more sense towards the end of the movie. I can't go in to the how or why because I will be giving away the plot, but it comes together and travels along quite quickly. It's no 'Shaun Of The Dead' (that will hard to beat), but it is different and also takes the p!ss out of the teens of our generation, and who doesn't like that? So I give this film a 7 out of 10.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
My sister and I love to talk about how our even favorite actors have been in some terrible movies, and this is a perfect example. This movie is 95% misleading. It's about detention, sure, but only for ten minutes of the movie. The rest of it is ludicrous time traveling, ridiculous pop culture references, and wholly unattractive boob flashes. It's listed as a horror, but nothing was even remotely scary. (And just for the record, Clapton Davis is a pretty kickass name.) If this seriously toned down the pop cultures 'jokes' and removed the horror aspect, it might have been a funny time-travel themed teen comedy. Instead, it's a low-brow, unclever attempt at... I don't really know. Nothing is clear about what this movie is trying to be, except a huge failure.