Why do some movies get made? Why did this one? No, really, I'm asking, because I don't for the life of me know why. Production values seem reasonably high - the plane crash, CGI for missing limbs etc. Why didn't they spend a few bucks on the script?! - it is just stupid on top of stupid. E.g. they are marooned on a desert Island with few supplies, needing to conserve strength, yet they run around playing soccer, continuously swim back and forth between two Islands (a mile apart) engage in sexual relations constantly (but zero nudity) - and I could go on, but I will not waste any more of my energy on this turd of a motion picture
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
This film begins on fine footing, we're introduced to all of the characters and all of the requisite personality types are present for this type of story. It continues a little predictably but I was still with it. Then all of a sudden, and with no signs of it coming, all of the characters suddenly turn hyper-paranoid and aggressive. There's no gradual progression down this path which would make it plausible and engaging, but very abruptly so that it's not only unrealistic but makes the viewer feel insulted that the director would actually expect us to accept this. In addition, it enforces negative gender stereotypes - the men are all aggressive hot-heads and the women are passive observers of the random barbarism of their male counterparts. This film really is a mess and honestly feels like a waste of resources and talent.
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
I disagree with some reviewers that Eden involves exaggerated over-characterisations, or that the male/female divide is hotheads on the one hand and passivity on the other. Nor is the path to aggression abrupt and unrealistic. They start off with food for less than a week and water about the same, so the changes come as quickly as thirst and starvation make their mark. This is a famous and successful soccer team, young American men who by now are cock-sure of themselves and feel a sense of entitlement. It couldn't have been easy to act in this movie, yet the actors do a really magnificent job. I'd give it more points but for anyone whose seen or read Lord of the Flies, well, you know how it plays out. That's not to say that Eden is not a highly engaging thriller and tense drama, and well worth anyone's Saturday afternoon.