Hunter Richards' film about a young man(evans) who is desperate to win back his beautiful ex-girlfriend, London (Biel). The film isn't deep, but i found it extremely effective in showing a simple story. The performances were real, even Biel was good here as was Evans and Statham who truly stole the show. I liked the screenplay a lot and the direction suited the film as well. I liked the cinematography from Jo Willems and the music by The Crystal Method. The film is a great 2 million dollar film, low budget, high quality, they should make more films like this.--- very good film from hunter richardsIMDb Rating: 6.0, my rating: 9/10
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
The user rating is much more accurate. This is a very well acted film touching on the difficulties of relationships between men and women. A strong ensemble cast and excellent performances by the leads carry the user throughout and doesn't disappoint.A solid 9.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
As the synopsis shows London is a drug laden adventure which centres in a New York Loft where a young man is trying to win back his girlfriend. at first i thought. 'another cheesy movie'. i don't know what made me watch it but when i was finished i was absolutely GOBSMACKED!. 'London' is such an original and most importantly a very simple movie which is directed to its utmost perfection. Bateman (Jason Statham) is absolutely flawless in this movie as is Syd (Chris Evans). You begin to understand their characters straight away as both actors bring them to life wonderfully... i don't want to spoil the rest for you so ill finish on this note.. 'its a must see' ......