The ratings would be much higher, if this movie had another directors name on it. But since it's a Boll-Movie, it can't be good, right? Rampage is basically a movie about a guy on a killing spree, but Boll really managed to add depth to it. Believe it or not: this is a pretty clever flick. There is no black and white, no good or bad. Society is just f****d up in general and everybody seems to deal with that differently.So it's not a nihilistic vision of our society. It's not dragging you down like a depressing Larry Clark- or Lars Von Trier-flick. It's not torture porn and it's not pseudo-artsy. It's simply a good movie, with great actors and a surprising twist in the end.The editing and the cinematography were a bit wonky, though.
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
This movie will most probably be panned on the ground of the director name. But don't, i just saw t at the Bruxelles Film Festival and the movie has nothing to be ashamed of, nor his director; This may not be the best movie of all time, but Uwe Boll deliver us a tightly packed action movie, with echoes of a more profound reflection behind it. It's intelligent, the script is actually a more evolved than most people will think at first and the photography is not bad at all (aside for maybe an abuse of shaky on the shoulder camera-work). The director was on stage to intro the movie and i ll give him credit for standing up to what he believes in and his no-hold barrel style.Give the man a chance, and give this movie a chance.
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
In my lifetime I have only ever walked out of one film, and that was House of the Dead. I wouldn't have walked out of Rampage if the theater was on fire. This film will be misunderstood, torn apart by entire organizations, and will undoubtedly infuriate most who ever get the chance to see it. Think what you may about Dr. Uwe Boll, but this film is right and pure in the way that only Independent cinema can be; and Douglas' Falling Down never could be. This film will never get wide distribution because the level of violence and lack of easy answers will be too much for most people. I haven't bought a DVD in months and I've got this one pre- ordered for sure. Shockingly amazing from a man most people thought was only capable of churning out crap (and usually does).