... but aren't we all, regardless of our wine variety and tastes. Middle aged men make merry and melancholy in a film that makes you smile and yearn to go wine tasting in California.
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
I first saw this movie almost 20 years ago when I was in my early-mid twenties. I remember liking the movie, but not really connecting with the characters in a meaningful.I just watched it again, almost 20 years later and it's like a totally different movie. I think you have to have real life experiences to really understand what the characters are going through.The movie isn't really about "anything" in particular. It's just a couple guys going through things we all actually go through in life.If you try watching it and don't really care for it, don't sweat it. Just let it breath for 20 years and come back. I guarantee it will have aged well.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
A movie worth watching. Like a documentary. On depression.
For me, it was epic.