This film tells the story of a woman who has a very bad day. She goes onto a road trip with her alcoholic grandmother, going wild and having fun.I had high hopes for "Tammy" but it turned out not as funny as I expected. Tammy and her grandmother acts juvenile and irresponsible. They are just irritating and mean, and they aren't even funny. I'm a little shocked by Susan Sarandon going all out in playing an older woman, dying her hair gray and looking a bit fragile. That's not the usual character she plays! But still, she couldn't save the film from being a disappointment. Tammy's love interest is terrible too, he is so reserved to the point of being wooden.This film is alright if you're very bored, but there might be other better films out there to pass time.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
You know, if this movie had a tone and stuck to it, this might have been an enjoyable flick to watch. But first, it tries to be slapstick-like at the beginning, then more light-hearted in giving the characters a good time, and then a little dramatic concerning the near-death of one of those characters. The result: Tammy is mostly boring even at a little over 90 minutes. I liked Melissa McCarthy (who co-wrote this) and Susan Sarandon as her grandma singing The Allman Brothers' "Midnight Rider". And some of their dialogue exchanges had some charm. But mostly, I was just underwhelmed by the whole thing. Oh, and Dan Aykroyd as McCarthy's father was a not-too-inspired cameo. So on that note, I can't recommend Tammy.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
I can usually find some redeeming qualities in most if not all movies... not so here. Tammy is simply not funny. The movie is poorly written, poorly acted and cannot be saved even with the brilliant Kathy Bates and a bit-part by Dan Akroyd. Foul language exists to try to boost scenes that are stone dead unfunny and it goes over like a lead balloon. I was tempted to ask for a refund. Don't even waste your time watching it when it comes out on Netflix, you'll be spared the bore-fest.The IMDb has a 10-line requirement for leaving reviews but to be frank, it hard to write 10- lines about a movie that is simply not entertaining. I suspect that even hard core McCarthy fans will have a hard time trying to swallow this one.