I'd recommend watching this move for the last big scene alone. One of the best movie scenes I've ever seen.
It might be that I also can identify with a lot of the issues, watching at the 13 year old self. Very well executed.
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
I thought this was a wonderful movie, gripping, intense and totally realistic. Those who think that some young teens don't encounter these issues, especially in broken homes, are belying reality. World class performances by the two young protagonists and Tracy's mom. The sound track, particularly the original pieces, is well done. The movie would have been harder hitting if the director had been a bit more graphic in the sexual situations, not pornographic, but just a bit more honest as to what happens in everyday life. Well worth watching. Under appreciated.
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
Thirteen starts with an interesting premise but unfortunately the story contains no plot twists or interesting turns. I haven't seen a film this straightforward and heavily foreshadowed since Heavenly Creatures. There was no need to watch the ending.Although the film gets points, serious points, for being true-to-life and a fascinating glimpse into the world of the young, it's just too boring. Sorry.Who should see this film:-- Nobody. See Traffic (2000) instead.I'll give Thirteen a 4 out of 10, which is the highest rating I'll give a film I couldn't sit all the way through.