At the beginning of the film i felt like i had seen it a dozen times before, the usual ensemble of college students and a couple of know!However within a very short space of time i was drawn into the storyline of the film, and there actually is a plot to follow!I hadn't read anything about the film before i watched it so spent most off the film saying "No way!" mostly quite shocked at the content of the film and the implications of the plot...I don't want to write any spoilers so let me say that it is a thriller/horror well worth seeing and anyone who liked a film like Hostel will like this one too and enjoy it...i did:-)
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
Like Somebody already Said If You Like Hostel, You Like This One 2.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
A group of Americans students are guided onto a train which turns out to be for the purpose of harvesting their organs.If one puts to one side the host of criticisms which can be levelled at the practicalities of the story on screen (lack of medical hygiene, cliché behaviour etc. etc. and unending etc.), there remains one overriding criticism.I have no problem with violence and gore in films - Eden Lake, for instance, featured some savage violence and was an excellent film. The thing which concerns me is when a film takes the glee which this one does in parading, for its audience's delectation, gratuitous sadism just for the sake of it. The deeply unpleasant and graphically sadistic violence shown here has little justification in narrative terms, it is there solely to appeal to the gorehounds.Deplorable.