Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay team up for the exciting and action packed blockbuster Transformers. Earth becomes caught up in a war between two groups of alien robots that have come in search of a device that gave life to their planet. That cast includes Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, John Turturro, and Jon Voight, who all bring a certain charisma to the film. But the real stars of the film are the special effects, which are amazing. And Michael Bay does an excellent job at delivering high energy action sequences that are visually stunning. The writing is exceptionally poor and the film goes on for far too long, but the action and the visual effects keep the audience engaged. Transformers is messy and cheesy, and sophomoric...but it's also a lot of fun and immensely entertaining.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
You know that part of being human where you need things to matter, a lot. Theres no escape from it. This movie does it for me and can satisfy anyone else. Strong dramatic decision made in this one. Powerful time stunning move when Seeker climbs on the bars of a cesna plane and salutes walking by people who don't know who he is.
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
I expected this to be an action movie only, but it also has a lot of hilarious jokes similar to American Pie, such as when the robots were making lots of noise, Sam's parents asked him something embarrassing. There is some action, but there is also drama. At least the action and drama aren't so bad. However, the characters weren't so likable. Megan Fox was just eye candy (yes, she was hot, at least) and Shia LaBeouf was not a likable character.Pros:Really funnyGood actionCons:Characters aren't so likableReview: 8