There's a bizarre human appetite for that which is awful. From lookie-looing at traffic accidents to Man Show mooks to Lettreman's stupid pet tricks to worst home videos, etc., people like to watch people being stupid, outrageous, and ridiculous. Therein lies the appeal of "Turbulence", a not-to-be-taken-seriously white knuckle ride into the realm of the ridiculous with Holly as the "Stew" who's got to save a 747 jumbo jet with a handful of passengers against all odds including one very whacked out serial killer (Liotta). Ok, ok...this movie is stupid. However, for those who can get to that place in their heads where they don't intellectualize, just go with it, and enjoy the humor-tinged hair raising suspense and silliness, 100 minutes of entertainment awaits. (C)
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
I agree with the other users comments that this film is pointless. I found this movie lacks any feeling, or emotion. No one cares how this movie ends. I do not know if it was the directors fault or the script. My wife likes it, and it could be lost to the male audience. This film is neither scary or tense. I did not like the preview, and it represents this movie well. Another forgettable movie that will someday fade away. 4/10
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
I'm a Ray Liotta fan and I'd never heard of this over the top airplane disaster movie. But it's not like the old Airport movies where
you're supposed to get emotionally involved with the secondary characters. And while it's not a spoof, it certainly isn't to be taken seriously. It's just a somewhat silly thrill ride set at the holidays. Like Die Hard on a plane.