Videodrome is truly a surreal experience. I do not want to include too much information as that would spoil the film for "virgin" viewers. If you are familiar with Cronenberg's work, you may have an inkling of what you're in for. Videodrome can drive one to the brink of madness, and then tell you you've been there for an hour and a half. From scene to scene you can't tell what's real and what is in James Wood's imagination. It's utter insanity, but it's great at the same time. This film is a good companion piece with Cronenberg's Existenze. When you can wrap the audience up in your movie, you have accomplished something few have. And David Cronenberg seems to do that time and again. Cronenberg is not for the faint of heart, definitely.
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
Interesting concept of media control, spirals out of control, losing momentum with each passing minute. Woods is his usual smarmy self, and Deborah Harry adds the kink factor but not much more. Eventually "Videodrome" turns into a dog and pony show for Cronenberg's special effects. If you are looking for viewing thrills, I suggest you look elsewhere, because the gross and grotesque on display here have little meaning other than to be gross and grotesque. When I watched this 25 years ago I was not impressed, and seeing it now has regrettably not altered my opinion. Not acceptable as entertainment. Not recommended. - MERK
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
James Woods plays a scuzzy, low-life TV producer (the kind of character he plays exceptionally well and that you've come to love from prior performances in films like 'Salvador') who gets hooked on watching a pirate snuff film channel, but soon he discovers everything is not as it seems to be and that the transmission wasn't broadcast at all but actually a tape which brainwashes him into acts of self mutilation on his body, soon he is finds that he can hardly even control himself or his body.A great first half with terrific performances from the three leads, steps up a gear or two in the second half. A highly creepy and original movie that just gets weirder and weirder! Highly recommended. Peter.