An actually entertaining and tense thriller. This film feels a bit different to other films and is it as it is all about a mystery in the snow. With less know actors, this film actually was entertaining and ended well
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
WHITEOUT (2009) * Kate Beckinsale, Gabriel Macht, Tom Skerritt, Columbus Short, Alex O' Loughlin. Laughably ludicrous and inept action thriller set at Antarctica where a killer is on the loose and it's up to US Marshal Beckinsale (arguably the dumbest federal agent ever committed to celluloid) to find out who it is before things get way out of hand. Based on a graphic novel by Greg Rucka and Steve Lieber, 4 scribes' lame attempt to transition to the big screen is a true disservice to fanboys and filmgoers alike. One of the most boring suspense films in recent memory and Dominic Sena's leaden direction (particularly in the titular climax) should have him hand in his DGA card.
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
Neither great nor horrible, it's entertaining, smart, and sometimes has some surprises that are worth seeing, but expect action thriller melodrama as opposed to science fiction intrigue.The main problem is that it's often too formulaic and cliché, sometimes nearly nonsensical. It feels in many ways like any other FBI/CIA international mystery thriller involving lots of brutally murdered people, with the exception of the setting.Nice FX and a sort of gore horror film element (that axe murderer story lovers will greatly appreciate) add something beyond the FBI melodrama to create some excitement, thrills, and disturbing moments.