This film tells the story of a married lawyer with a promising political career, who gets side tracked by experiences with ladies from an escort agency."Zipper" keeps me engaged because the I like the story. The first half is more erotic while the second half is more of a thriller. How Patrick Wilson does a good job portraying his character, who lets his urges overtake his sensibility. His guilt in the diner with the reporter is piercingly good. I think the story is well presented, easy to follow and engaging. The scenes are nicely shot as well. I enjoyed watching "Zipper"!
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
Most people probably didn't get the symbolic message.When the lawyer pays his visits to whores, he hands them over the envelope full of cash.When from (a supposed morally clean) Prosecutor he evolves to senator, he gets an envelope full of cash, by his clients...Get It? Who are the whores?
That's what the movie is about.Hypocrisy from everybody involved.
Great movie!
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
Just watched "ZIPPER" 9/10 - a very dark and gripping film about destruction by obsession. The central character is portrayed by Patrick Wilson and this is another very brave choice of role after "Hard Candy" where he played a man internet grooming an underage female. How many leading actors would dare to play these roles? He's not just an amazing actor he's obviously fearless with his career and image.The rest of the cast are superb too. Ray Winstone in a new kind of role for him..he's such a good actor and thank goodness he was allowed to keep his London accent after falling flat on his face in "The Departed" trying to be a Boston accented tough guy.